
以色列天氣 - 雷暴及驟雨

以色列自週五早上, 由北面至南部, 
均出現零散雷暴及驟雨, 氣溫亦持續下降.

氣象部門估計, 東面及南面的旱谷會出現水浸.  
週六雨勢會稍為緩和, 週日則會轉強.  

耶路撒冷郵報 http://www.jpost.com/NationalNews/Article.aspx?id=293174

Rain falls from North to Negev; heavy thunder in TA

Rain fell from the North to the Negev on Friday morning with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms forecasted to continue throughout the day.

The thunder and lighting experienced in the North and in Tel Aviv beginning on Thursday afternoon continued overnight and into Friday morning. Temperatures continued to drop throughout the country.

The Israel Meteorological Service warned of possible flash floods in eastern and southern wadis on Friday.

The rains were expected to weaken on Friday night and only isolated showers were forecast for Saturday with a slight rise in temperatures.

The rain is expected to strengthen again on Sunday throughout the country.

